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shandong tinwing machinery manufacturing co., LTD

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Disc dryer
Disc drier for sludge and distiller's grains drying

Name:Disc drier for sludge and distiller's grains drying


Our company specializes in the design and production of disc sludge dryer, suitable for: sludge (municipal, industrial, etc.), distiller's lees, fertilizer, food residue, pharmaceutical residue, etc.

For sludge drying, general sludge dehydration after the initial moisture in 80%, drying after the final moisture of 10%-50%, general sludge requirements at about 30%, dry sludge into loose powder granular can be mixed with pulverized coal directly into the boiler combustion, the calorific value of the sludge is about 1500-2000kcal, waste utilization and energy saving, Some sludge after drying can also be made into fertilizer and building materials, or direct landfill will not cause secondary pollution, turn waste into treasure, directly can meet the requirements of environmental protection, This equipment has low energy consumption, heat source can use steam, heat conduction oil, flue gas heating (evaporation of 1kg water consumption heat of 1.1-1.3kg steam) with low power consumption, stable operation, low noise, small labor and other advantages, the basic automatic production.

The current enterprise environmental awareness is increasingly strengthening, sludge is a common problem troubling the development of enterprises, our company introduced foreign advanced sludge drying technology, combined with the actual situation of the domestic development and manufacture of special sludge dryer, is bound to meet the requirements of industry customers, by the trust and cooperation of more and more enterprises, has cooperated with many large, medium and small enterprises in China, Our company will use serious and careful technical services with you, hand in hand to create a green earth.


Contact: Mr Jiang

Mobile phone:18766363705


Address: Haoyu Road, Industrial Park, Xiangzhou Town, Zhucheng City, Shandong Province

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